Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative

Apply to join the GRLI

Partnership and association with GRLI enables personal development of change agents, helps accelerate organisational change and leads to high impact initiatives focused on driving systemic change.

Engagement in the GRLI is open to companies, universities, business schools, transnational networks, NGOs and independent individual actors.

We have been, and remain, a community driven by the energy, ambitions, dreams and dedication of active partners globally. Our network of partnerships and collaborative work on a global scale is already changing the way management educators and businesses around the world operate.

Joining GRLI opens new possibilities:

  • Build reputation through association with and visible engagement in the key global issues of our times.
  • Invest in personal development of individuals by engaging with a global community of peers in hands-on delivery of impact projects.
  • Accelerate and leverage organizational change through access to the GRLI’s global partnership network and knowledge resources.
  • Drive systemic transformation by developing new knowledge and driving initiatives focused on key lever points in global systems.
  • All levels of participation offer engagement with a worldwide group of learning organisations committed to collaborative initiatives and sharing learning on global responsibility.

GRLI Partner

€ 5,000per year
  • For organizations that wish to engage deeply with the question about developing Global Responsibility in leadership and practice, and help steward its growth.
  • Includes a seat on the GRLI Council with voting rights in governance matters and the future direction of the GRLI.
  • Appoint 20 named individuals as GRLI Associates.
  • Requires a minimum 3 year participation following which discounted partnership contribution of € 4,000 per annum applies.
  • The GRLI is capped at 30 full Partner organisations.

GRLI Associate Partner

€ 2,500per year
  • For organisations embarking on an inquiry into developing Global Responsibility in leadership and practice, and that wish to be associated with the GRLI in this context.
  • Appoint 10 named individuals as GRLI Associates.
  • Requires a minimum 3 year participation following which discounted contribution of € 2,000 per annum applies.
  • Smaller and non-profit institutions or organisations may apply for further discounts on request.
  • The GRLI is capped at 50 Associate Partner organisations.

GRLI Individual Associate

€ 200per annum
  • Individuals can associate with the GRLI independently of their organisation.
  • Independent associates have full access to the GRLI network, events and knowledge resources.
  • Their active participation in GRLI initiatives, and contributions to our newsletters and online publications are encouraged.
  • € 200 or US $200 p.a. or minimum equivalent to two hours’ wages. Enrolled students qualify for further regional discounts available on application.