The world’s first online test of sustainability literacy.
Sulitest.org is an online Multiple Choice Questionnaire designed to measure and improve the sustainability issues related knowledge of students, faculty and employees. It aims to create and nurture an awareness of both global and local sustainability challenges.
The Sustainability Literacy Test (SLT) is a concrete action for the Higher Education Sustainable Initiative, led by an NGO, hosted and supported by KEDGE Business School. SLT was launched to measure students’ knowledge on the key issues of sustainable development and use the results to drive changes in the teaching methodology and the curriculum.
This initiative is recognized as one of the 17 featured initiatives of United Nations partnerships for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Sulitest is guided by over 300 contributors and the insights and assistance of its panel of senior and regional advisors which include, among other, the GRLI, UNEP, UNDESA, the UNGC Principles for Responsible Management Education, UNESCO and the International Association of Universities.
In March 2023, TASK™️ – The Assessment of Sustainability Knowledge certificate – was launched with the ambition to accelerate the transformation of the educational system.
This new international standard will act as a lever, ensuring understanding sustainability is not just a luxury reserved for students enrolled in dedicated courses or activists involved in certain causes, but the common language of all students, regardless of their course.
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