Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative

Our Governance

The GRLI operates with an adaptive purpose-driven organisational framework which continues to evolve as the work of the GRLI Community develops and changes. This philosophy is embodied in the GRLI’s organising structures and in its governance model.

Governance Framework

As an entity advocating that leaders everywhere should behave in a globally responsible way, it is important that the GRLI practices appropriate transparency and accountability in its dealings with a wide range of stakeholders.

The GRLI’s work since its foundation has relied on a relational and partnership approach which is also reflected in its unique governance model.

Two living documents, the Governance Framework and Guardian Group Terms of Reference, are meant to assist the Board and Guardian group (as Council representatives) in their governing role. These are updated on an ongoing basis as our work and role evolves. They represent the GRLI’s statement of its position on corporate governance at any point in time.

Guardians of the GRLI Council

Full institutional partners are at the heart of the GRLI and constitute the Council of Partners. Whereas the Board is legally and financially responsible for the GRLI and the Support Centre runs its operations and manages projects, the Guardian Group works, on behalf of the Council of Partners and with the Support Centre and the Board to uphold the vision, mission and operating ethos of the GRLI and to ensure all three elements are actively supported, acted upon and visible in the GRLI and in all related activity.

The Guardian Group is comprised of maximum 10 members of which 3 members can participate by invitation and 2 seats are left open for additional contribution on an ad hoc basis as may be required.

Vanessa Duckenfield

Chair of the GRLI Guardians - Bettys & Taylors Group

Ana Simaens

ISCTE Business School

Simon Rey

By Invite

Florencia Librizzi

By Invite

Jeff Thies

Loyola Marymount University

Rumina Dhalla

Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics, University of Guelph

Adrian Zicari

ESSEC Business School

Nicola Pless

By Invite: GRLI Independent Associate

Armand Bam

Stellenbosch Business School

Guardian Group Activities:

  • Design and facilitate Council meetings
  • Identify emerging new impact initiatives within the partnership
  • Encourage an involved, active and influential GRLI partnership
  • Contribute to the overall good governance of the GRLI by co-designing and co-facilitating transparent and robust processes to ensure Partner representation in the Governance structures of the GRLI

The following principles underpin the work of the Guardian Group:

  • We work collaboratively and out of a peer based approach
  • With openness and transparency both within the Group and the Community
  • With a willingness to challenge and be challenged
  • Freely contributing to the development of the GRLI and the Council of Partners

Board of Trustees

The GRLI is governed legally as a Foundation established under Belgian law. The board of the Foundation has primarily a fiduciary responsibility relating to the proper management of resources entrusted to the community and the functioning of the Support Centre.

Peter Møllgaard

Chair of GRLI Foundation

Vanessa Duckenfield

Chair of the GRLI Guardians - Bettys & Taylors Group

Amanda Gudmundsson

Executive Dean - QUT Business School (Partner Board Member)

Dayle Smith

Dean - Loyola Marymount University (Partner Board Member)

Hanna-Leena Pesonen

Dean - Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics (Partner Board Member)

Sanjay Sharma

Grossman School of Business, University of Vermont (Partner Board Member)

Wayne Visser

By invitation

Claire Maxwell

Immediate Past Chair

Michael Winter

Co-President - oikos international (Strategic Partner Board Member)

Lily Bi

President and CEO - AACSB International (Strategic Partner Board Member)

Eric Cornuel

Director General & CEO - EFMD (Strategic Partner Board Member)


United Nations Global Compact

Alfons Sauquet

Director Quality Services & EQUIS - EFMD Global (Strategic Partner Board Member)

Stephanie Bryant

EVP and Global Chief Accreditation Officer - AACSB International (Strategic Partner Board Member)

Raul Villamarin Rodriguez

Vice President - Woxsen University (Partner Board Member)

Audit Committee

Stephanie Bryant

EVP and Global Chief Accreditation Officer - AACSB International (Strategic Partner Board Member)

Sheila Killian

Assistant Dean, Research & PRME Director

Amanda Gudmundsson

Executive Dean - QUT Business School (Partner Board Member)

Governance Committee

Peter Møllgaard

Chair of GRLI Foundation

Sanjay Sharma

Grossman School of Business, University of Vermont

Dayle Smith

Loyola Marymount University

The GRLI Centre

The GRLI Centre comprises the Executive Director and a small team of part-time and volunteer staff. The Centre has the responsibility to monitor, act on, coordinate and see that GRLI’s work is being executed in an ethical, efficient and effective manner by resources internal or external to the GRLI community. The Finance administration is provided by EFMD Brussels.

To do this, the Centre endeavours to provide enabling servant-leadership to the community. This approach is not the traditional logic of a member-organisation where the organisation primarily exists to deliver a service to the members. The GRLI is a community of Partners and Associates and as such the focus of the Centre is on the vision and mission of the GRLI as a global community where responsible action is led by committed partners and allies.

Anders Aspling

Founding Secretary-General

John North

Associate: Executive functions

Claire Maxwell

Associate: Facilitative Approaches and Governance

Darija Miletic

Associate: Ecosystem Stewardship

Mareta Strydom

Associate: South Africa Office

Adolphe Komeza

Accounting (DEG&Partners - Belgium)

Tahmina Jahan

Associate: Communication (UK)


The Advisors Group consists of appointed individuals that are deeply connected to the discourse and practice of Global Responsibility or have significant institutional memory of the work of GRLI and relationships with the diverse constituents of the Global Responsibility movement. Members of the Advisors Group fully and demonstrably support the work of the GRLI and align with its agreed direction and strategy.

Nick Ellerby

Mary Godfrey

Bettys & Taylors Group

Rob Widing

Liliana Petrella

Carol Adams


Henri- Claude de Bettignies

China Europe International Business School

John Alexander

President - Independent Associate

Philippe de Woot

GRLI Fellow (1930 - 2016) - GRLI