Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative

About the GRLI

The Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative is a deeply engaged international, multi-sector community focused on catalysing the development of globally responsible leadership and practice.

Global Responsibility

The GRLI holds and facilitates an inclusive and collective call for deep systemic change across three domains: how we live and make a living, how we learn, and how we lead. Learn more about our call to action and the role of GRLI in catalysing ideas and initiatives at the interface between education, business and society.

Our Network

The GRLI is not a think tank or a member-serving organisation. It is a think-and-act enabler; a global community of responsible action with the ultimate measure being its aggregated impact. A working partnership of global networks, companies and learning institutions forms the base of the GRLI community.

Our Governance

A foundation for public interest called “Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative” (GRLI) was constituted in Belgium after the launch in 2003 of a joint EFMD/UNGC initiative called “Global Responsibility”.
The GRLI’s adaptive purpose-driven governance and organisational framework continues to evolve as the work of the GRLI Community develops and changes.

Taking Action

You can help make Global Responsibility real in learning, living and leading today. Support our work by amplifying “Global Responsibility, Now” throughout your organisation, community of practice and network.
We also welcome donations to the GRLI Foundation and invite applications from prospective Partners, Associate Partners and independent individual Associates.