Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative

Towards a Sustainable World – Academic Insights and Perspectives

The School of Business, Economics, and Law (SBEL), at the University of Gothenburg is turning 100 years in 2023. This centennial is something that the school, our Dean, and all of us that work here would like to mark as an important milestone for the University as well as for the city of Gothenburg. The four of us have had the honor of acting as editors of this volume that commemorates and celebrates our school and its 100 years. As this volume will testify, our school is in many ways both a traditional business school as well as a unique higher educational institution that not only focuses on business but that puts justice, societal challenges, and sustainability at the forefront. It gathers scholars of traditional business school subjects such as finance, marketing, management, entrepreneurship, and economics, but also scholars of law, economic history, human geography, logistics, and economic geography, providing a unique constellation of scholarship that goes beyond traditional business school expectations. We named this volume Towards a Sustainable World: Academic Insights and Perspectives to showcase both the traditional and unique sides of this 100-year-old institution. We wanted to celebrate the centennial with an academic publication that would become a starting point for the future. The idea was to bring together
scholars from the school’s different departments to showcase its breadth and variety around the theme ‘sustainable worlds’, as the school’s mission is to promote “independent thinking for a sustainable world.”

  • Merima Bruncevic, Susanna Fellman, Alexander Styhre & Måns Söderbom

The School of Business, Economics, and Law (SBEL), at the University of Gothenburg is turning 100 years in 2023. This centennial is something that the school, our Dean, and all of us that work here would like to mark as an important milestone for the University as well as for the city of Gothenburg. The four of us have had the honor of acting as editors of this volume that commemorates and celebrates our school and its 100 years. As this volume will testify, our school is in many ways both a traditional business school as well as a unique higher educational institution that not only focuses on business but that puts justice, societal challenges, and sustainability at the forefront. It gathers scholars of traditional business school subjects such as finance, marketing, management, entrepreneurship, and economics, but also scholars of law, economic history, human geography, logistics, and economic geography, providing a unique constellation of scholarship that goes beyond traditional business school expectations. We named this volume Towards a Sustainable World: Academic Insights and Perspectives to showcase both the traditional and unique sides of this 100-year-old institution. We wanted to celebrate the centennial with an academic publication that would become a starting point for the future. The idea was to bring together
scholars from the school’s different departments to showcase its breadth and variety around the theme ‘sustainable worlds’, as the school’s mission is to promote “independent thinking for a sustainable world.”

  • Merima Bruncevic, Susanna Fellman, Alexander Styhre & Måns Söderbom

Towards a sustainable world