Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative

The GRLI Governance Framework

The establishment of the GRLI as a foundation of public interest with individuals appointed to the governing body means that Board Members of the GRLI are charged with corporate governance responsibility in relation to the direction and effective monitoring of the GRLI. The GRLI’s work since its foundation has relied on a relational and partnership approach which is also reflected in its unique governance model.

For this governance framework, the GRLI defines governance as the system by which the Board in consultation with the Council of partners, exercise accountability and responsibility to all identified stakeholders, directs and controls the organization to achieve sustainable improvement in key stakeholder value. This document is meant to assist the Board and Guardian group (as Council representatives) in their governing role. It is a living document which is updated on an “as needs basis” and reviewed bi-annually. It represents the GRLI’s statement of its position on corporate governance at any point in time. The governance framework of GRLI includes the roles, rights and responsibilities of the various role-players, key processes, procedures, mandates, authorities and overview of the managerial functions related to the brand, risk and stakeholder engagement.


GRLI Governance Framework

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