ING Chief Operating Officer and Chief Transformation Officer, Challenger & Growth Markets
Please explain briefly what you would like to achieve by participating in this initiative and comment briefly on what skills/specific experience/resources/knowledge or other value you envisage bringing to the GRLI…
“Capitalism as we know it is dead”. We must integrate our focus on productivity and growth with a strong sense of purpose, a deep care for the well-being of our people and a passion for preserving our planet. Reflecting on the stimulating discussions we have at gatherings like the WEF, Peter Drucker Forum etc, I believe there is positive momentum to challenge an often dehumanising economic narrative. Yet, in order to catalyse change, it has to start with ourselves – globally responsible leadership is the cornerstone for transformational change at individual, organisational and societal level. 21st Century leaders must “transcend their ego” and join a “coalition of the willing” to enact positive change – across businesses, government, NGOs and academia. It’s challenging, it’s important, it’s relevant, it’s urgent. If not us, then who. If not now, then when.
What emerging and significant industry development(s) keep you awake at night?
A kaleidoscope of change is transforming the business landscape: technology is redefining the nature of work, AI is rapidly advancing, businesses are experimenting with agile organisations, platforms and ecosystems; and global trade conflicts and political upheavals generate uncertainty. In Banking, we are facing low interest rates, regulatory pressures, changing customer expectations, new competitors, technological shifts, Cybersecurity – just to name a few. So, what keeps me awake at night? As a leader, every day, I face the challenge to integrate diverse ambitions: continually improving profitability, resolving some of our planet’s problems and creating an environment where our people flourish. How to “save the world and still be home for dinner”? There are no easy answers. As a leader I need to learn how to sense, spark and integrate the subtle energies in a human system; how to balance control and autonomy, rational and emotional, individual and whole – in order to fully unleash the creativity of our teams. The capability to build organisations that experiment, learn and continually adapt, more than anything else, will be our most critical competitive success factor in the 20ies.
What are the burning issues and opportunities in your work or role that you would be interested in addressing within the context of the GRLI?
Creating a community of learning – across academia, governments, NGOs, consultants, and business leaders – to advance leadership development and stakeholder capitalism.
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