Global Marketing Excellence Manager at Nestlé Nespresso
Please explain briefly what you would like to achieve by participating in this initiative and comment briefly on what skills/specific experience/resources/knowledge or other value you envisage bringing to the GRLI…
Joining into this initiative will contribute further towards my objective and ambitions to be purpose driven and work towards the common good for the world, and its future.
I think that, at times, it is hard for well-established firms to grasp that the world is changing. Big organizations are like big ships, they take time and effort to shift from their course. An organization that lacks agility when taking decisions, or who may be stuck in processes that do not allow for acceleration, or who are missing courageous leadership to carry change, may not be able to answer in time – when change is happening.
It’s important to be aware and to find or address new opportunities!
I recently completed online a Sustainable Business Strategy course with Harvard Business School and I believe in the business model to create shared value. This is possibly one of the most sustainable in my humble opinion. For the past 5 years, I have been working in a blue-chip coffee company where I believe my values can bring meaningful change.
My strong communication skills and marketing experience today may be leveraged within the GRLI organization. I can support decisions that have an impact towards a positive change, and in the way business is done.
What emerging and significant industry development(s) keep you awake at night?
Thinking deeply into what impact our choices, politics, governments and industries have on future generations and the bio-tops of the planet, and how can these copes with what we are producing today?
What will happen if we do not install radical and durable change in the way we do things today?
These questions do keep me awake and I try to imagine how to preserve what we still have… Will a change in mindsets, corporations’ ways of doing business, policies and laws be sufficient and possible?
Change opportunities also could emerge with more regulations, taxes and consequences to prevent actions that may be harmful.
A strong change of the mindsets from the ME/NOW to the US/LATER is needed by those who can contribute with impact.

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