Johns Hopkins Carey Business School
Please explain briefly what you would like to achieve by participating in this initiative and comment briefly on what skills/specific experience/resources/knowledge or other value you envisage bringing to the GRLI…
As the entire world grapples with the immediate and long range impact of the coronavirus, we are all reminded of how interconnected we are as a human community and as a planetary biosphere. I see the GRLI as a global community of people and institutions with a shared understanding that the flourishing of humanity and the planet is the moral measure of wealth and therefore are ready to collaborate across geographic, cultural, and economic boundaries to leverage their shared power in preparing the next generation of business and society leaders to build a livable future for humanity and the planet.
As an academic ethicist and seasoned collaborative leader with multi-sector expertise in higher education, healthcare, business, and civic organizations, my research interests and practical expertise include: 1) Human wellbeing and integrity in complex, risk-laden social contexts with contested value systems, economic stress, technology-dependence, and hyper-competition; 2) Livability of cities and sustainable futures for humanity and the planet; 3) Roles of individuals, institutions, and wisdom traditions in shaping public discourse and civic conscience in a secular society; and 4) Intersectional social equity and inclusion in business, professions, and society.
What emerging and significant industry development(s) keep you awake at night?
I worry about the vulnerability of people and the planet to urgent global threats of climate change, biosystem collapse, pandemics, economic inequality, plutocratic greed, political violence, and ineffectual governments.

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