LeaderShape Global, Chairman
Please explain briefly what you would like to achieve by participating in this initiative and comment briefly on what skills/specific experience/resources/knowledge or other value you envisage bringing to the GRLI…
I believe that a key element of global responsibility is producing the right kind of leader for the 21st century. I want to give people the opportunity, worldwide, to develop into Transpersonal Leaders. Having been a senior international corporate leader and then a serial entrepreneur, I have been working for the last 20 years on developing and delivering programmes to Master’s level to produce that kind of leader. As lead author of “Leading Beyond the Ego: How to become a Transpersonal Leader” published by Routledge, we have now codified and made replicable that development journey.
What emerging and significant industry development(s) keep you awake at night?
My main concern is that we rarely get excellent leaders in organisations, be it in politics, commerce, or even the not-for-profit sector. Many are out just for themselves rather than the greater good. But more than that, most do not know how to engage and empower their people. This is a global problem that we can overcome if we change the criteria of how we choose future leaders and then how we develop them. We need leaders who develop and maintain organisations that are performance-enhancing, ethical, caring and sustainable. This is the only way we will solve issues around the climate, poverty, corruption and all the challenges related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
What are the burning issues and opportunities in your work or role that you would be interested in addressing within the context of the GRLI?
Issue: How to get Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and large corporations to take the issues described in the last question seriously. The opportunity: this could help change the world for the better.

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