The GRLI provides ongoing support and endorsement to the Higher Education Sustainability Initiative (HESI) and played an active role in helping with re-establishing its vision, objectives and governance structure.
HESI is a unique global collective that brings together both UN entities and Higher Education Sustainability Networks to deliver on the SDGs through transformation of the curriculum, teaching and learning capabilities, operations, community engagement and research impact of these institutions.
Read more: HESI Governance and Purpose Feb2020
To raise the voice and influence of the further and higher education sector so that it is recognised as a key contributor to the Sustainable Development Goals.
Already, HESI represents over 30 networks with reach to 18,000 Universities across the world. The initiative also has more than 300 signatories (universities). HESI will not seek to replicate or duplicate pre-existing work but produce the kind of systemic impact that none of its members could achieve in isolation alone.
HESI will work to deliver the following collective outcomes:
1. Convening and sharing best practice to further the impact of Higher Education on a global scale though curriculum, campus, community engagement and research capabilities.
2. Raising the profile of the sector through advocacy and communications.
3. Endorsing and recognising initiatives that are led and delivered by UN agency members and members of Higher Education Sustainability Networks that align with the purpose of HESI, e.g. Sulitest, SDG Accord, Green Gown Awards and others. HESI will not seek to create its own “Pledge” initiatives, but instead will support others that are pre-existing by other partners.
4. Catalysing new areas for action – HESI will be the mechanism through which new systemic ideas or global normative frameworks will be discussed and taken forward by other entities.
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