Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative

Connect online with GRLI

Stay in touch with the GRLI and related initiatives by signing up to our newsletter, reading or even contributing to our blog or perhaps scheduling a video conference with the core team. GRLI Partners and Associates are also using the GRLI Slack space to build deeper relationships and support collaboration in-between AGMs and meetings.

Read our Blog

“Global Responsibility” is the shared and communal blog platform where GRLI Partners, Associates and thought leaders can easily contribute ideas and announcements or read updates from the Partnership about events and initiatives. If you are already blogging elsewhere you are also welcome to syndicate or republish relevant articles to the GRLI blog.

Book a meeting with us

Book a meeting with the GRLI office by selecting a convenient slot from our available meeting slots. Click the button above to access the booking page. We typically use Zoom for video conference meetings. Once you’ve confirmed a meeting slot we will send the Zoom conference room details by email.

Newsletter Archive